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Units spring to life as buyers lap up luxury

Friday October 29, 2021

By Mackenzie Scott - The Australian - General News - Page 5

While the shine on apartment living may have dimmed over the past two years, the top end of the Brisbane market is seeing a rebound thanks to local and interstate buyers.

Prices have increased between 30 to 70 per cent in select suburbs through the latest housing boom, with unit sales also up 72  per cent since the pandemic began.

New data from Place Advisory – the research arm of one of Brisbane’s leading agencies, Place – found units in the riverside suburbs East Brisbane and Yeerongpilly, on the southside of the city, recorded respective growth of 71.2 per cent and 46.5 per cent in the past year.

Place Advisory research assistant Connor Read said the growth in those areas was largely linked to improved infrastructure and development.

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