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June 2017 Quarter | Off The Plan Sales Results

Similar to three months prior, the June 2017 quarter shows low sales activity across Inner Brisbane’s off the plan apartment market as challenging conditions continue.

288 unconditional transactions took place across Inner Brisbane throughout the second quarter of 2017, representing a 6% increase on last quarter but a substantial decline of 61% from the same period 12 months prior. However, the weighted average sale price continues to increase. When compared to the March 2017 quarter it has increased by 18%, and by 27% when compared to the June 2016 period.

Overall, the Inner Brisbane off the plan apartment market has experienced a significant change over the past 12 month period. The market has benefited greatly from the high levels of demand in recent years, however, Place Advisory expects that as we return to a more normal market, the current level of transactions will continue in the short term. We expect that the remainder of 2017 will bring some challenging periods as the Brisbane market continues to adjust to changing conditions and uncertainty.

